
Showing posts from 2005

I'm against swinging...

A man who dresses this badly called Canada what?!?

more movie time

A message to Democrats everywhere...

Can we talk?

Hey O'Reilly and Limbaugh...

Hell in a canister...

where's my blog?!?!

"I'm dreaming, of a...

Spam and the way I'm going to deal with it

movie time

Does it pay to remember?

do as I say...

Error 691

Maybe I should stop thinking...

Tony Pierce is IN, [H] is out

should you happen to be a deer or moose...

audiovisual things

The real storm wasn't a hurricane...

Want to be stress free? Become poor!

service with a smile

The battle, the war, the Revolution

Don't call us....


Scumbag suspended (profanity warning)

Even more movie madness!!!

More movie madness


what's back? Oh, hockey...what's that?

the sky is falling, or is it?

nothing will come of nothing...

Man, they'll put their logo on anything!

movie time

how to ruin a perfectly good day

If Red Foreman was here...

home of the handy man

Chicken wire is good for only two things...

What's a shovel to the face feel like?

Parlez-vous Sith?

One of those "where are they now" moments

If I were a betting man...

Tequila and immaturity don't mix

There are things I'd rather watch than...

5 commercials, 4 trailers, but one movie

the new math, part deux

the new math

you can try to convince me otherwise, but you won't...

let the games begin

Just add legitimacy