"I'm dreaming, of a...

of a...of a...

of another country to move to. Somewhere where I won't have to put up with election so soon after the last one. And more of the lies being push into our minds through radio, television, newspapers, and the internet.

We have the Conservatives calling the Liberals thieves, which is not exactly a lie, but not exactly the truth. And really, this is one of those pot-meet-kettle things. It's not like the Conservative party is full of honest men and women who haven't done anything immoral or wrong...

The Bloc is only there for one reason: to cause trouble in Canada so they can have Quebec as their own little country. Why don't we just give them a little place they can call "Quebec Free State" and be done with it. Let them have some good land, with lots of resources and industries, and let them see how they like life on their own. Maybe they'll do well, maybe they won't. But it's got to be better than what's going on now.

The NDP is the other wild card in all of this. They could hold the balance of power in Ottawa again. But they don't have a chance of being the big cheese.

Trouble is, Quebec isn't going to go Liberal, the West isn't going to go Liberal or NDP. Which means it's going to be up to Ontario. And if we get any kind of Liberal government in Ottawa, everyone will continue their hate-on of Ontario. Not that that's a big change...

I'd love to say "anyone but Harper", but I've seen what happens when people vote like that. We ended up with Mike Harris in Ontario when people voted like that.

Harper scares me. I don't trust Martin. I don't care for Duceppe. I don't think Layton will make it.

With those four as our choices, it's easy to see why I'm dreaming of another country.


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