Does it pay to remember?
I'm trying to figure out something. Maybe you can help.
During World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, Canadians were asked to serve their country in the battlefields of Europe and Asia. Thousands of Canadians were killed or wounded during their service. And for that, we remember them on November 11th.
During World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, Canadians were asked to serve their country in the battlefields of Europe and Asia. Thousands of Canadians were killed or wounded during their service. And for that, we remember them on November 11th.
But what bothers me is, why do bankers get Remembrance Day off? I don't remember there being a Banker's Brigade in any of my Military History lessons? No Payroll Platoon or Monetary Mercenaries either. I have yet to get any explanation as to why bankers get the day off. Do they get paid for that day, or do they sacrifice a day's pay in order to get a "holiday" that most people don't get?

I heard what could be one of the worst slogans a hospital could come up with the other night. The radio had an advertisement about colorectal cancer. Now, I'm all for getting those regular check-ups, since there are a lot of diseases and problems one could get without knowing they're getting them. But when the ad tells you, "We're behind you all the way", you know the slogan is bad. Like, where else were you going to be? I mean, would you want an auto mechanic who tries to figure out what's wrong with your engine by checking the tires?

I heard what could be one of the worst slogans a hospital could come up with the other night. The radio had an advertisement about colorectal cancer. Now, I'm all for getting those regular check-ups, since there are a lot of diseases and problems one could get without knowing they're getting them. But when the ad tells you, "We're behind you all the way", you know the slogan is bad. Like, where else were you going to be? I mean, would you want an auto mechanic who tries to figure out what's wrong with your engine by checking the tires?

Where do I sign up?
Screw off with your spam ya fraggin' bastich!
About the hospital ad, in the late 90's, Tide detergent ran a tv spot aimed at Canadians. The voiceover announced in a booming tone "Tide asked Canadians..." Problem was, I was in the kitchen and couldnt' see the tv. I heard "Tight Ass Canadians". Needless to say, that ad didn't run very long. I only saw it a couple of times tops. It still makes me laugh to this day. And I stopped buying Tide. lol
Catch It.
Yup. Say that in a room full of people.