nothing will come of nothing...

Sorry about not posting for the last little while. That's one problem with having a full time job and not being at home so much. And really, what would there be to talk about?

Well, there's the London bombings, of course. My own personal conspiracy theory about that has to do with covering up the whole Karl Rove situation. I mean, Clinton bombed some place to cover up the whole Lewinsky affair, so why can't someone bomb someone else to keep a scumbag like Karl Rove out of the news?

Rove is definitely a scumbag. Anyone who would out a security agent during a time of war has to be. I'm amazed that Bob Novak, another scumbag who works under the banner of "journalist" over at CNN hasn't lost his job.

I'd hate to be in Vince McMahon's bad books at the moment. He just fired about 18 people in one day. I bet they're all wishing WCW was still in business.

So am I. I might actually enjoy wrestling again.

But then, without cable, I'm enjoying life again.


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