the new math, part deux


No, it's not a hockey score for a non stop game lasting 3 weeks. It's how close the current Liberal government came to falling today. It came down to two people, one an independent Member of Parliament, the other the Speaker of the House. And they both voted for the government.

It is amazing what Paul Martin, Stephen Harper, and everyone else in Ottawa has done over the last six weeks. In a country lacking televised National Hockey League games, which probably would be what everyone would be watching instead, they have managed to make politics interesting for a change. In fact, I'd say there are probably as many people watching this situation as there would be watching some of the hockey games. If anyone won today, though, it was Jack Layton. He got the budget that he wanted for Canadians.

In other news, I am mad at CTV television. They neglected to inform me as to when the season finale of CSI was going to be on. I finally found out around 8:40, so I missed how Nick got stuck in the hole. But, I must say this...THAT WAS THE BEST F'N EPISODE OF CSI EVER!!!

I don't know what Tarantino got paid for that episode, but it wasn't even close to ever being enough. That was one hell of an edge of your seat ride.

Now I must, I say, MUST buy that season of CSI on DVD. Just for that one episode.

And no, I haven't figured out that second equation...


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