where angels fear to tread...

There are reports that when President Evil...err...Bush showed up here in Canada, he scolded Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party for not giving full support of the US Ballistic Missile Defense plan. I guess Harper is undergoing a little bit of psychomachia here, where he's got a devil (see above) on one shoulder. But where's the angel that's supposed to be on his other shoulder?
Oh, yeah, right...I forgot. He's a conservative. No angels need apply.
Why we need a missile defense shield is beyond me. The US can claim all they want that they protect us. Sure, their missiles are there to stop anyone from invading Canada. Of course, anyone coming over the North Pole will be shot down and land on Canadian soil with whatever dangerous weapons they might have, harming only Canadian citizens . It's not really protecting us that's on their minds, it's protecting themselves. We just happen to be in between them and their former enemies.
And who is going to invade Canada? Did I miss something about Uganda possibly wanting to invade us? Maybe it's them people from Madagascar? Or it could, just could be Peruvians. We better sign up for that shield quick!
Harper should remember who pays his salary. Not our neighbours to the south. Not the devil himself. But the Canadian public. You remember them, don't you. They're the ones who don't want anything to do with missile defense.
Pssst...look out! There's an angry Peruvian behind you!
