a trip in the time machine

Way back in 1996, I moved to North Bay. Never had been there before, didn't know what it was like or what to expect. I have this strange habit of doing things like that. Anyway, I got into North Bay on the Northlander (that's the train that goes from Union Station to parts unknown) and started looking for a hotel for the night. The first hotel I came across refused to let me stay there because I don't have a major credit card. I won't name them, but they can take comfort inn not having let me stay there. So, I headed for downtown.
As I was taught as a child, the word downtown is a very dirty word. My mom would not let me go downtown by myself, and even when I was an adult, she would always give me the "you be careful out there" Hill Street Blues-esque speech. Anyway, I got there and found that the people at the Days Inn were nice enough to let me stay. I ended up with Pizza for dinner, which unless it's a piece of cardboard covered with ingredients, is a good thing. This night was good, as there was no cardboard present.
The next day, I walked up the hill to Nipissing University. No rooms available on residence. Well, that wasn't any fun, but I went there to get an off campus housing list. Now, if you're going to move far away from home and you need a place to stay, off campus housing sounds like fun. Until you start trying to get a place. I called just about every place I could afford...and then went back to the train station. I figured, I could call from home and find a place without having to pay for a hotel room. As I'm waiting for the train, some guy in the station comes up to me and asks me the most important question I've ever been asked in my life:
"Are you a groundhog?"
How can one answer such a question? The only word that came to mind and eventually from my lips was "No."
So, back in Toronto, I started calling these numbers. I finally got one. All I had to do was show up on Friday at noon and the guy would let me in the place. So, back on the train to North Bay and the pleasant confines of the Days Inn.
Friday morning. I get up and discover my watch is dead. I throw on the suit and head over to Nipissing Street to this apartment I'm going to move in to. No landlord. So I wait. And wait. Eventually, I ask a passerby the time. She says it's going on 2:00. I spent a good three and a half hours waiting in the September sun for this guy and he didn't show up. So, in desperation, I went back up to the residence office to see if any rooms became available.
And sure enough, they had one. In a nice house. House 14. I took it without even checking out who was living there. A room is a room is a room, I thought. And boy, was I wrong.
This was the best room. In the best house. With the best friends I've ever known.
So, guys, if by chance you find this blog, this one's for you.
But chances are, and you guys being YOU guys...you're looking for free prOn.


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