where has he gone and what have they done to him?

Pictured above is the greatest character ever to grace a video game. The character, and you should cause yourself great pain if you don't know him, is Bikke the Pirate.
Who, you ask? (while subjecting yourself to torture)
Bikke the Pirate is a Final Fantasy character. I haven't seen him in a long time.
I miss Bikke. Without him, the world of Final Fantasy will never recover.
No amount of FMV can replace him.
No ten CD's to load a game could ever come close.
Bring him back.
And to a Nintendo system, for crying out loud.

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Anonymous said…
Wishing to remain anonymous, this humble father of a skeleton eating bread, this fearless leader of a small pack of friendly children who, at one time grew chin hairs almost as white as humble son's new idol, (altouugh my youth could not match the the time it would take to grow such a magnificent, yet wispy, beard)wishes only to comment, "Hey, cool!"

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