31 days of "great" TV...

My cable provider had this free promotion for the month of January. You got all kinds of specialty channels for the month. I checked out just about all of them...and here's what I think.

No thanks.

The only channels I would even consider paying for are the following...

G4TechTV: Call for Help, Icons, and X Play were cool to watch.
Showcase Action: decent movies
IFC: more decent movies

I might pay for Scream, if they would put on actual horror movies....because Young Frankenstein is a great film, but it's not a horror film...

The rest of the channels sucked. I don't see the need to pay to watch game shows, reruns of Cheers, old hockey games, westerns, and medical specials. The music channels are just pay versions of what is available on basic cable.

As it is, I find channels on my cable bill that I am paying for that I don't want or need. I don't want the Golf Channel. Or CMT. Or the Home Shopping Network. Or Global, Prime, CNN, YTV or any of those "music without music" channels.

And when HDTV is the standard, we're going to pay more for that. Why? The screen quality will be better, but will the programming be better? I doubt it. If it wasn't for CSI, I wouldn't watch any television at all. I'd still use it for gaming, but that would be about it.


Okay, but would Survivor or v.i.p. be truly better in HDTV? I doubt it.

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