Meet the new Pope, same as the old Pope...
It's only been a week or so that we've had the new Pope in place, and already I'm not seeing much of a difference. Here we have an ultraconservative Pope who will do exactly the same things that the former Pope did. Which I must say is unfortunate.
Unfortunate because in a time of overpopulation and the spread of AIDS in Africa, this man is going to tell people that they will go to Hell if they use any kind of contraception.
Just like the last Pope did.
And believe me, the African people will listen to what he has to say, and they will die as a result. I've had friends teach in Africa. They had to teach sex education and condoms are in ready supply. In fact, it is far easier to find condoms than it is to find food. But no one will use them because they fear going to Hell for using them. And so, more children will be born in a place where there is little food and water. And the virus will continue to spread like wildfire.
Unfortunate because in a world where all people should be allowed to determine the course of their lives, women are still seen as second class citizens in the church. Other religions are embracing women, inviting them in and allowing them to do what the Catholic church refuses to.
Unfortunate because while the Vatican reaps in the rewards passed to them by Catholic churches around the world, the churches around the world are falling into disrepair and people are losing faith. Here in North Bay, they are looking at closing several churches because they either have no money or no priest. Attendance is well below what it once was.
Some might blame Sunday shopping. Others might say society is going to Hell. But if you were in a church on a Sunday in December, and they couldn't afford to pay their heating bills, would you really want to be there?

And I hate to add this, but...the guy looks evil. Look at the eyes and try to say otherwise...
Unfortunate because in a time of overpopulation and the spread of AIDS in Africa, this man is going to tell people that they will go to Hell if they use any kind of contraception.
Just like the last Pope did.
And believe me, the African people will listen to what he has to say, and they will die as a result. I've had friends teach in Africa. They had to teach sex education and condoms are in ready supply. In fact, it is far easier to find condoms than it is to find food. But no one will use them because they fear going to Hell for using them. And so, more children will be born in a place where there is little food and water. And the virus will continue to spread like wildfire.
Unfortunate because in a world where all people should be allowed to determine the course of their lives, women are still seen as second class citizens in the church. Other religions are embracing women, inviting them in and allowing them to do what the Catholic church refuses to.
Unfortunate because while the Vatican reaps in the rewards passed to them by Catholic churches around the world, the churches around the world are falling into disrepair and people are losing faith. Here in North Bay, they are looking at closing several churches because they either have no money or no priest. Attendance is well below what it once was.
Some might blame Sunday shopping. Others might say society is going to Hell. But if you were in a church on a Sunday in December, and they couldn't afford to pay their heating bills, would you really want to be there?

And I hate to add this, but...the guy looks evil. Look at the eyes and try to say otherwise...