What good is it when...

I found this pamphlet once while waiting for a bus up at the Student Center at Canadore College and Nipissing University. I really don't have any interest in this kind of subject, but if you've ever waited for a bus in North Bay, even the ingredients on a bag of potato chips can become like the words of Shakespeare. Anyway, this pamphlet was a bit of an interesting read. Until I came to the back cover. That's when I realized two things:
1. This book isn't any help to anyone who would need it.
2. This would scare the hell out of me if I needed the help.
The reason is simple: look in the area where it says "For help or further information, contact". There's nothing there.
Now I'm not poking fun at psychiatric patients. I'm being serious. If you needed help, how would you know who to contact? There's no information, and some might not consider looking in a phone book or on the internet for help.
I think people who distribute this kind of information should make sure they put some kind of contact information on their pamphlets.
As bad as this one is, there's worse. The ones for dyslexic people that tell them to look in the phone book under "LEARN". Yeah, that's helpful.
Speaking of patients' rights, I've been hearing a lot about Terry Schaivo, the woman in Florida who is on the news all day long. She's been hooked up to machines for 15 years to keep her alive. Why politicians and judges had to get involved, I don't know. What I do know is that they should let her go. These politicians have no problem sending soldiers into countries where they don't belong to get killed. These judges have little problem sending people, sometimes innocent people, to the gas chamber. So why make such a huge deal out of one woman who never wanted to be connected to a machine?
Oh yeah, because if they let her die, then they have to let everyone else follow suit, and then they have that whole abortion issue....
Maybe we'd be better off in caves with our campfires and our clubs. At least with a club, any politicians come around...

I really loved Bush's statement:
"In cases like this, I think it's best to err on the side of life." Geez, where was that kind of thinking two years ago... Just imagine:
"In cases like these, I think it's best to err on the side of not invading a country based on shoddy evidence and boldfaced lies."
Turnip. Bwahahahaha