checks and balances

No, this isn't about banking. Sorry if you thought it was.
This has to do with power and corruption, and keeping things going the right way.
This has to do with the decision by Paul Martin, our Prime Minister, to stay out of Ballistic Missile Defense.
Since we said no, a trip has been cancelled, then rescheduled, by the Secretary of State. You know, the one who lied about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. The one who has an Exxon oil tanker named after her. By the way, would you want to have something that's huge and ugly and full of dirty oil named after you, would you? Didn't think so.
Now the border is once again closed to our beef. One sick cow and the border got closed. Funny how one cow can cause the American border to shut down for two years, but 19 terrorists could get in (without going through Canada or having mad cow disease) and...well, you know the rest.
Our friends to the south seem to be able to get away with this. And there's a reason why.
Nobody's going to stop them.
In the days of the Cold War, the United States had plenty of weapons to do with as they pleased. But there was something preventing them from doing so: the Soviet Union. One missile gone astray and this planet would have been witness to World War 3. Of course, they would have been witness until they were vaporized.
But now that the Soviet Union has become Russia and a bunch of former Soviet republics, there's nothing really to stop America from exporting their version of democracy.
Which is why, and you will probably disagree with me on this, Canada needs a nuclear weapon.
Not a bunch. Just one. We'd never use it, or even threaten anyone with it. But it would keep the President honest. No more "There's WMD in Iraq/Iran/Pakistan/North Korea" or "Yeah, I'll open the border to your beef".
It won't happen.
After all, we are the peacekeepers. And you can't make peace with weapons pointed at someone.
By the way, if you're a Secret Service agent, Federal Bureau of Investigations agent, Central Intelligence Agency agent, National Security Agency agent, or any kind of law enforcement employee...remember this is only an opinion, not a threat. Last time I checked, freedom of speech was allowed under your Constitution and mine.


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