Stop, collaborate and listen, Ice is back with a brand new edition.....

Went outside last night to clean the slush off my walkway. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Too bad my good idea didn't include cleaning the snow off the van last night. The whole thing was covered with ice and snow. The extension cord was frozen to the plug for the block heater. The driver's side door lock doesn't work. The passenger side door lock was frozen. The sliding door lock worked, but the door track froze so the door wouldn't open.

So, there I am, all six feet or more of me, climbing through the rear hatch of the van, over the two back seats to get the bloody thing started. It must have been a funny sight, but I'm not laughing. The van started nicely, but it looks like most of the other vehicles that didn't get plugged in are still in the lot.

The snow and ice took about 20 minutes of scraping and digging in order to get it all off. And then when the van was supposed to move, we discovered the tires were frozen to the ground. A quick push on the accelerator and the van cracked out of the ice.

Mental note: buy lock de-icer. or move to Barbados.

A quick note on video games: last night TechTV had Icons on. They did a story about Mortal Kombat. The story showed how this game helped Sega and really hurt Nintendo back in the day. Nintendo really hasn't been able to shake the kiddie image, even with the Resident Evil series. Funny how one game can cause so much trouble. But I guess it really isn't just one game, is it?

And yes, I changed the font colours to represent the blood or other liquid that came from the fighters...


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