If I want an egg, put it on a f***ing plate!

I went outside on Friday night to plug in the van because the weather network told us that it was going to be a very cold night. Plugged it in, and that was good because the next morning, I found out that North Bay was the coldest place in all of Canada on Saturday morning. So, I went to my front window to see how the outside world looked. And I saw our van unplugged.
A few years ago, there were children in the neighbourhood who would go around unplugging everyone's cars. They don't live here anymore. So, maybe the plug just fell out of the socket.
So, I went out to plug the van in and found that someone had smashed an egg all over the windshield. There goes the accidental unplugging. This was personal. And not much fun to clean.
In the coldest wind I've ever experienced, I had to scrape frozen egg off the front windshield. It took a half hour, a half bottle of Glass Plus cleaner, and a lot of elbow grease. Needless to say, I'm a little more than angry about this.
I don't know who did this, but we do have an idea. Unfortunately, if we're right, that means that the people who did this are around 23-24 years old. Doing something that very immature children would do.
Being a primary/junior teacher, I've seen children do some immature things. Never this immature.
