Fool me once...

According to George Bush, Al Queda was planning an airborne attack on a highrise building in Los Angeles in 2002.

Yeah, and I was going to write a pro-Playstation 3 post the other day. Right.

If people actually believe what he's saying about this attack, then this is truly a scary thing. The sky really is falling and people are going to duck and cover for the rest of time. Personally, I think he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar one too many times and is trying to say whatever he can in order to not get in trouble.

Invading nations: it's all for the good of the nation.
Creating evidence: it's all for the good of the nation.
Torturing prisoners: it's all for the good of the nation.
Exposing secret agents: it's all for the good of the nation.
Wiretapping phones: it's all for the good of the nation.
Smearing veterans: it's all for the good of the nation.
Backdoor drafts: it's all for the good of the nation.
Lying to cover your own ass: it's all for the good of the nation. Or is it?

They can say that it's all "intelligence failures" and not lies. Maybe this is the War on Error. I can say "wardrobe malfunction" and still know someone set that up to happen that way. That was a lie. There's no intelligence failure here. This is lying, straight faced lying, and nobody with any kind of power is doing anything to stop it. The main stream media has become a joke, so much so that bloggers and a fake news show are taking the stories away from them and telling them to the world.

I do hope people will look back at this presidency and learn from the mistakes that have been made. Yes, our Canadian governments are not perfect. Yes, it cost us a lot of money. But how much freedom have we lost?

Look at the U.S. Patriot Act. Have an abortion, or a miscarriage...the government can find out. Take a photo of a highway, train station, or airport...the government will find out. Make a statement about a video game that gets misconstrued in an e-mail or a phone call, the government will know about it. Twelve heavily armed cops will be standing on your doorstep. And they'll be the nice ones you'll have to deal with.

If anyone thinks that the only ones arrested without a warrant are the ones who were in Afghanistan and Iraq, think again. There are many people across North America and Europe who happen to be in prisons, without a trial date and without charges being laid against them. It's unconstitutional, it's illegal. And it's happening.

I don't want to see another terrorist attack. But I think we've seen what we're going to see. And the effect is still with us thanks to comments about possible attacks. Everyone is afraid.

And that's exactly what the government wants.


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