same vote time, same vote channel

na na na na na na na na na na na na na...VoteMan!

Two hundred fifty million dollars spent to elect another minority government so I can see another two hundred fifty million spent next year to elect yet another minority government. By the time we have another majority government in power in Canada, we will have spent more money than was lost in any sponsorship scandal, gun registry, HRDC boondoggle (that's officially the first time I've ever used that word in speech or in print) and any other odd government spending project.

And chances are, that government will run us a massive debt. Oh yay.

Here in North Bay, a town as conservative as you can get, they re-elected Anthony Rota of the Liberal party. Dave Fluri, the NDP candidate, was the only one who once again came to my door during the campaign. I wasn't at home this year when he came to my house, but he remembered having a conversation with me a year earlier. I think we caught him off guard because we actually knew who he was and shook his hand. It's a shame he didn't win last night, because he's a good guy who fights for the people.

I'm honestly going to give Harper a chance, but I do believe he won't keep this job for any more than a year. Any move to change the laws of this country, any move to make us become more closely aligned with the Bush agenda, the other parties are going to put him out of office.

And put me back in a voting booth once again.

Oh well. That's probably the least of my problems at the moment.


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