What has happened to the media?
The Chicago Daily Tribune has taken a lot of flak over the years for their misreporting of election results as seen in the picture above. Decades later, this picture is still mentioned when someone in the media makes an error.
What happened recently in the news shows that the media, while in possession of incredible technology, hasn't learned a damn thing. The news that thirteen people trapped in a mine who were reported as most likely dead to have reports surface that twelve were alive was seen as a miracle. Only one man dead, which would still be tragic. But twelve people alive would be a miracle in the mining industry.
Unfortunately, this was not the case. One man was alive, twelve were dead.
Mining is a dangerous occupation. Here in Northern Ontario, we lose at least one person a year, whether it be to gas leaks, cave ins, explosions, or falls. It's not a safe business to be in. A vital one, yes, but not a safe one. People know it is a dangerous business when they sign up.
The fact that company officials let people continue celebrating after knowing that twelve men were dead makes them truly evil. Someone should have said something. It wouldn't be an easy job, but it would have been the right thing.
Since the 2000 election, the media hasn't cared to do much fact checking. Perhaps this incident will make them check their sources before putting out the news. Maybe this is why blogs are being seen as the new source of information instead of the mainstream media.
Dewey Defeats Truman. That was just an election.
This was a community experiencing a miracle only to have it taken away.