well worth the time and effort...
I spent the March Break cutting apart my second SD40-2 and putting it back together as CN SD40-2W 5329. There are a few differences between the first model, CN 5245, and this one. 5329 does not have the snow shields behind the cab, it has a winterization hatch, and the step wells are angled instead of curved. Most of the time was spent trying not to make the same mistakes I made with 5245 so that I didn't need as much body putty. Try as I might, there were a few issues.
My Easter break so far has been spent cleaning up the workshop area due to two visitors I found the other night. Mice. Not fun. I also spent some time grinding one of the locomotive frames so that the body can fit on it. I came to the realization that I really don't care about the short wheelbase of these locomotives, so I decided to use the frames I have on hand rather than go looking for a frame that is difficult to find. After all, these aren't museum pieces...they're built to run. Now, if only I had a layout to run them on... This long process was well worth the effort, as I will now be able to fully detail the underframe using Railflyer pillow blocks, Detail Associates fuel tank fittings, and Details West air tanks and air filters.
5329 will take a little longer to complete than 5245, as I am still needing a few Railflyer parts to be created and sent to me. The winterization hatch, plows, and stanchions are still needed. I'm also in need of parts from other companies, like MU and air hoses, lift rings, paint and decals, and a DCC decoder for each unit. I'm also thinking about remotoring both units so that they'll run silent. Maybe those DCC decoders will have sound...
Photos below.

My newly ground frame with body next to an old SD50AF kitbash. Just checking heights.

My two SD40-2W units. The one with the snow shields is 5245, the other is 5329.

The beauty that are Railflyer step kits. Well worth the money.
My Easter break so far has been spent cleaning up the workshop area due to two visitors I found the other night. Mice. Not fun. I also spent some time grinding one of the locomotive frames so that the body can fit on it. I came to the realization that I really don't care about the short wheelbase of these locomotives, so I decided to use the frames I have on hand rather than go looking for a frame that is difficult to find. After all, these aren't museum pieces...they're built to run. Now, if only I had a layout to run them on... This long process was well worth the effort, as I will now be able to fully detail the underframe using Railflyer pillow blocks, Detail Associates fuel tank fittings, and Details West air tanks and air filters.
5329 will take a little longer to complete than 5245, as I am still needing a few Railflyer parts to be created and sent to me. The winterization hatch, plows, and stanchions are still needed. I'm also in need of parts from other companies, like MU and air hoses, lift rings, paint and decals, and a DCC decoder for each unit. I'm also thinking about remotoring both units so that they'll run silent. Maybe those DCC decoders will have sound...
Photos below.
My newly ground frame with body next to an old SD50AF kitbash. Just checking heights.
My two SD40-2W units. The one with the snow shields is 5245, the other is 5329.
The beauty that are Railflyer step kits. Well worth the money.