welcome to the yard sale of your mind

Why do pawn shops always have guitars in their windows, but guitar shops never have pawns in their windows?

Why does every video on youtube.com about wrestling have really lame nu-metal music playing in the background?

Why do organizations spend money putting advertising on television telling me that someone is starving instead of buying them food?

Why do drug companies feel it's more important for me to have a full head of hair than it is to have a functioning liver or kidney?

Why is technology that's supposed to last forever replaced within five years of being introduced?

Why do people spend more on ink cartridges than they do on a printer that comes with ink cartrides? And for that matter, why do they spend more on razorblades than they do on a new razor that comes with blades?

Why do people try to explain things to musicians by quoting their own music back to them?

Why is a boring, depressing sounding song like Happy Birthday sung at birthday parties?

Why do people bother text messaging television shows with messages like "URGR8" when it costs them money?

Why do employees at a store lie to customers when those customers are only going to call the company and get what they were supposed to?

Why is it that when I need a camera, I don't have one. And when I have one, the batteries are dying or the memory card is nearly full?

Why do magazines complain about anorexia and steriods and then put skinny women or muscular men on the cover?

Why is it every time I hit the next blog button at the top of my screen, I end up on a Spanish blog? (not that it bugs me...just curious)

Why do some people need a reason to have fun?

Why do I write these lists?


Anonymous said…
Why not?

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