I.T. or basketball...

No, the change isn't complete...yet.

When I graduated from teacher's college, I was given some advice by the head of Information Technology (my old boss)...he told me that if I was given the choice of being the guy in charge of information technology or coaching basketball to choose being the coach.

Man, I wish I had listened to him.

At my last job (I won't say who I worked for, as it wasn't essential to my career...), I was the unofficial I.T. guy. My bosses knew I was able to put together a computer network and they asked if I could. I, hoping that I could somehow get full time hours out of the deal, said I would. And I did.


You see, there are problems with putting together a network/computer system that most information tech guys won't tell you about. Or maybe they haven't had these problems.

For example, trying to use a $100 piece of equipment that the boss found in the $5 bin at Staples isn't usually a great idea.

Having my fellow employees constantly changing the settings of the firewall or printer didn't help at all.

Having a company that decides to buy a printer from a company that isn't Canon or HP really doesn't help when your laser printer does not have any more toner. Because without toner, a laser printer is just a large paperweight that heats up.

But I did get it working. Eventually....

And then...they took it apart and put it in one room. And it stopped working again.

So, anyone want to learn how to do a shot from the line?


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