I guess they always do get their man...
The Toronto Star has to hire people to read the headlines they put on their website. This morning, I was shocked to find out the Conservative Party of Canada was into sadomasochistic behaviour. Yes, it's shocking! This was the headline from their site:
I'm not sure exactly what the PMO was gagging MPs with, but it had to do with gay Mounties. And speaking of gay Mounties...I think this film will do well.
I figure, we've got Dudley Do Right, The Mountie, and Stephen Harper in the Randy Quaid role. It'll be a huge hit. Oh, and before anyone asks why I didn't use Paul Gross instead of one of these Mounties...I think I'd rather sit on a chair made of acid and covered in thumbtacks and broken glass. While I'm on fire. With an alligator chewing on my left leg. And a polar bear gnawing on my right leg.
Because that would be less painful than Mom killing me. She loves her Mountie.
(by the way, this in no way is meant to make fun of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. But, c'mon, guys dressed in red with leather on...seems a little, well, you know...)
PMO gags MPs over gay Mounties.
I'm not sure exactly what the PMO was gagging MPs with, but it had to do with gay Mounties. And speaking of gay Mounties...I think this film will do well.
I figure, we've got Dudley Do Right, The Mountie, and Stephen Harper in the Randy Quaid role. It'll be a huge hit. Oh, and before anyone asks why I didn't use Paul Gross instead of one of these Mounties...I think I'd rather sit on a chair made of acid and covered in thumbtacks and broken glass. While I'm on fire. With an alligator chewing on my left leg. And a polar bear gnawing on my right leg.
Because that would be less painful than Mom killing me. She loves her Mountie.
(by the way, this in no way is meant to make fun of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. But, c'mon, guys dressed in red with leather on...seems a little, well, you know...)

Thats the name of the mountie mom likes! Paul Gross