It's a dirty job, but...

For five years, our front yard has looked horrid. The grass, if it even IS grass, was never growing right. Brown spots, yellow spots, colours I've never seen before. Yuk.

The housing corporation doesn't have the money to put in new grass. Plain and simple, they can't afford to do that when they have so many units to repair and keep in good condition.

So, today we got some peat moss, some grass seed and a bunch of yard equipment. All at our own expense, but it will be worth it. We have a strip filled with nice black top soil where our garden will go, and tomorrow we're going to put in the grass.

While picking this stuff up, we dropped by the bargain video game bin. We picked up three games, again on the cheap. We got a Sonic the Hedgehog game with 7 old games on one disc for the GameCube, Splinter Cell for the XBox, and...sad to say...not Super Monkey Ball. No, we got Dora the Explorer for the GameBoy. I personally can't stand Dora. Gimme Pingu any day.

Ugh. I need my monkey fix.

Maybe I'll just have to get Timesplitters 3 and find my monkey helpers.


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