Sorry for the delay. It's been a while.
167...No, it's not a typo for when the Leafs last won the Stanley Cup. Or how many years from now they'll end up winning it again. Actually, that number would be higher. Much higher.
And it has nothing to do with Iraq, Afghanistan, or the Bush presidency. Honest.
It's the number of posts I have written since this site started up.
And what has it done for me?
Not much.
I have maybe ten people who would be able to say that they've read one of my posts. Ten people. I had more success typing up political gibberish and plastering on the walls at Nipissing than I've had here.
Part of the problem, I'll admit, is content. And part of it is style. Which is going to change.
What is coming is something new. Something different.
the devil's got a new design.
167...No, it's not a typo for when the Leafs last won the Stanley Cup. Or how many years from now they'll end up winning it again. Actually, that number would be higher. Much higher.
And it has nothing to do with Iraq, Afghanistan, or the Bush presidency. Honest.
It's the number of posts I have written since this site started up.
And what has it done for me?
Not much.
I have maybe ten people who would be able to say that they've read one of my posts. Ten people. I had more success typing up political gibberish and plastering on the walls at Nipissing than I've had here.
Part of the problem, I'll admit, is content. And part of it is style. Which is going to change.
What is coming is something new. Something different.
the devil's got a new design.